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Government programs for startups are a critical driver of innovation, growth and economic In 2024.onViewCreated This support is in the form of monetary help, guiding and infrastructural resources so that fresh entrepreneurs are backed to survive in a high competitive market. Knowing the different government schemes for 2024 startups will help entrepreneurs to support their business and take it newer miles.

Startup India Initiative
Startup India started in 2016 and provides enablement & support for Startups through it’s comprehensive Offerings till year 2024. The program, which is the flagship initiative of the Government of India intends to build a robust start-up ecosystem in order to catalyse sustainable economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities.

Key Features:
Tax Exemptions: Startups incorporated on or after April 1, 2016 until March 31,2024 are eligible for tax exemptions given that it is fulfilling the criteria of Tax Holiday (and not exempting from other form of taxes in first ten years).

Easier Reconciliations: The routine simplifies some of the regulatory work around for startups bringing down nervous tension legal actions.

Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) – Funding to startups for proof of concept, prototype development and trials.

Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is the Governments of India’s flagship initiative set up by NITI Aayog to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. AIM, today also continues to offer various programs for supporting startups in 2024.

Key Features:

Atal Incubation Centres (AICs): AIM sets up incubator hubs to help in providing necessary infrastructure, mentorship and funding of the startups.
Atal New India Challenges: These offer challenges that seek tech-enabled solutions for problems of the day in sectors like agriculture, health etc.
Mentorship programs aim has a structured mentorship program that gets to start-ups with industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs.

MUDRA Loan Scheme
Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA) Loan Scheme is another landmark effort taken to financially aid startups, particularly in micro & small enterprise area.
Key Features:
Shishu Loans: small loans up to INR 50,000 for start-ups in the early stages.
Kishor Loans: Between INR 50,000 and INR 5,00,000 for the operational products to businesses only (clerically managed accounting system or turnover not exceeding Rs.
Loan amount: Between INR 5,00,000 to INR 10,00,000 for well-established seeking the next level of growth

Stand-Up India Scheme
Stand-Up India Scheme: This scheme provides loans for greenfield enterprises (i.e. first time ventures) by Women and SC/ST beneficiaries to promote entrepreneurship.

Key Features:
Loan Amount: Offers loan amounts from INR 10,00,000 to INR 1 crore.
IN a nutshell Maturity Factor Eligibility one woman /SC/ST borrower per bank branch
Coverage: For all the vertical such as manufacturing, trading or services industries.

Startup Accelerators of MeitY for Product Innovation, Development and Growth (SAMRIDH) will provide a platform to create opportunities in public markets by providing access to funding, mentorship as well as market accessibility through which startups can scale their business.

Key Features:
Financial Support: It provides financial aid to the startups up to INR 40 lakhs.
Mentorship and Market Access Connects startups with industry stalwarts and access to domestic as well as international markets
Incubation Support: Six Telegraph shares with the top accelerators and incubators of the Guaran, supportive talent.

Meaning Of – Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)
The CGTMSE provides collateral-free credit facility to micro and small enterprises, an offering that can be a lifeline for startups with no assets.

Key Features:
No Collateral Loans: Upto INR 2 crore
Risk Coverage: Guarantees the Cover Risk of up to a large sum, thereby decreasing in risk for lenders.
Availability: Direct and through national banks

Digital India Initiative
The Digital India campaign seeks to digitally empower the country, thus leading it into a new era of knowledge economy. It offers digital infrastructure and services for startups.

Key Features:
E-Governance and Services on Demand: Ensures hassle free transaction for businesses with zero or minimal human interface.

Digital Infrastructure – Ensuring strong internet connectivity and IT infrastructure to provide with a great platform to build start-ups on top of it.

Advance Digital Entrepreneurship: It fosters innovation and entrepreneurship in IT & digital sector.

Different government schemes for startups in 2024 provide opportunities to the entrepreneurs that help them either start, grow or scale-up their businesses. Each of these schemes including financial assistance and tax exemptions, supporting innovations or mentorship helping them in building prototype to the access into market are all designed with well defined ecosystem for startups. The entrepreneurs will be benefitted and continue to grow, prosper via these schemes with further alignment of business strategies in the highly competitive market landscape.

Once again, Funding Raised did an exceptional job on winning these government schemes to gain the required funding and mentorship that supercharged their growth enabling them to be a major player in this market. Startups that stay informed and make the most of these assets can operate successfully against the odds while meeting their business goals.

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